Feedback on 5-days Face-to-Face Instruction

This form is designed to allow Lexington School District Two's stakeholders an opportunity to submit feedback, concerns, and/or observations as the district begins transitioning from the hybrid model to five (5) days, face-to-face (F2F) instruction across all grade levels.  We feel your feedback will assist the district in being able to continue the transition while keeping students and staff safe and adhering to state guidelines.

This form does request specific contact information from the submitter, because if there is something reported that may require follow-up or additional information, we want to be able to contact you.  Examples include a stakeholder seeing a student or district employee take down plexiglass desk shields during the school day, or a visitor being allowed entry into a building without wearing a mask.  These are examples of items that could require further information for the district to objectively and meaningfully investigate and follow-through on.

If you have questions or technical issues with the form, please contact

The form is available in Spanish.